A brief introduction to MLRC
MLRC (Multivariate Linear Regression Combination) is a secondary structure prediction method which combines
SIMPA96 and
SOPMA. It post-processes the outputs of protein secondary
structure prediction methods and generates class posterior probability estimates. Experimental results establish that it can increase
the recognition rate of methods that provide inhomogeneous scores, even if their individual prediction successes are largely
Warning : It can take up to 5 minutes to compute MLRC for a sequence (1'11 minute for RBTR_KLEAE (270 aa) and 4'55 minutes for
MDR3_HUMAN (1270 aa) ). So, be careful when using it in alignment (the total computing time can't be
above 3 hours on NPS@).
NPS@ is the orginal server for this method.
Availability in NPS@
This method is available :
No parameter required.
NPS@ MLRC output example
You can see: