A brief introduction to HMMBUILD
The program HMMBUILD, belonging to the HMMER package, generates a profile HMM from a multiple sequence alignment. Profile HMMs are statistical
models of the primary structure consensus of a sequence family. A profile HMM can typically be used in homology detection by comparing a query
profile HMM against a DNA or protein sequence library.
For further details, see the HMMER homepage.
Availability in NPS@
HMMBUILD is available :
- At URL :
The input multiple protein alignment must be in clustalw format.
For hmmbuild, the standard character set for proteins is {A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, Y}.
- After a multiple alignment with CLUSTALW.
First you have to choose the profile HMM construction options :
- the alignment mode :
- Global mode : single global/global alignment.
- Domain mode : multiple global alignments with respect to the profile HMM, and local with respect to the sequence.
- Local mode : single local/local alignment.
- Multi-hit local : multiple local alignments with respect to the profile HMM and local with respect to the sequence.
- the weighting mode
- the pbswitch option : above this threshold sequence number, hmmbuild will switch fronm GSC, BLOSUM, or Voronoi weights to PB
weights which is faster.
Then you find the profile HMM calibration options (parameters estimation of an extreme value distribution) : the number of synthetic
sequences, the gaussian mean and standard deviation of the synthetic sequence length distribution.
The HMMBUILD output allows you to follow your analysis with a profile HMM search against a protein library thanks to